LYRA Levels & Skill Requirements
Check out the requirements and skills that will be focused on in each level for lyra aka aerial hoop. Make sure you are familiar with the terminology and skills required to be able to advance to the next level. Check with your instructor if you are ready to level up! MUST pass skills test to move on to next level.
•Pre-req: No experience required
•Angel below bar
•Back Arabesque
•Birds nest
•Crescent moon
•Delilah variations
•Double knee hang
•Grip holds
•Half sit
•Hocks variations
•Horse & stag
•Layback variations
•Lean out
•Lion & Reverse Lion
•Lion in the tree/Sleeper
•Man in the moon variations
•Mermaid below bar
•Peter Pan
•Pike invert & holds
•Pull over to hip hang
•Secretary Seat
•Side mount & Side Sit
•Side star
•Single hocks stand
•Single knee hang
•Single knee mount
•Single leg block
•Single leg cradle
•Splits under bar
•Straddle mount/invert
•Toe squat/Owl
•Trash can
•Tuck mount & holds
•Vine Climb
Level 1 lyra
•Pre-req: Must be familiar and consistent with all beginner lyra skills
•Amazon variations
•Angel on bar variations
•Angel rolls
•Basic Stand
•Belly roll/dove roll
•Bow & arrow/ Mexican hold
•Delilah variations
•Double knee hang top bar
•Dove/crescent moon
•Dragonfly variations
•Elbow Hang
•Fallen angel/single leg birds nest
•Front support balance
•Half back balance
•Half split
•Half windmill
•High arabesque
•Knee tangle
•Mermaid variations on bar (inside & outside)
•Seated balance
•Side & Front Amazon
•Side ball seat
•Side hocks stand
•Side star
•Side star
•Single leg cradle
•Sit on top bar
•Skin the car low bar
•Stag splits under bar
•Standing Arabesque
•Standing back arch
•Standing figurehead or standing arch
•Standing split
•Straddle back
•Top bar arabesque
•Pike T-sit balance
INTERMEDIATE & Advanced Lyra
•Pre-req: Must be consistent with all intro and level 1 skills.
•Alien Splits
•Ankle hang
•Armpit hang top and bottom variations
•Back balance
•Bent arm handstand
•Bow & arrow
•Chest/Choke Hold
•Elbow grip to standing star
•Elbow high arabesque
•Elbow rolls/elbow hang variations
•Front arabesque with spannset
•Front balance
•Front balance/pike top bar
•Front block split
•Gemini recliner
•Half seated rolls
•Hip circles
•Inverted Man in the Moon
•Jigsaw drop
•Knee hang from top bar variations
•Running man
•Russian pike & split
•Seated Roll
•Shoulder split
•Shoulder stand pike
•Side Straddle Balance
•Skin the cat top bar
•Standing ballerina
•Straddle around the world
•Straddle planchet
•Time split
•Top bar & Spanset work
•Twisted hanging straddle
•Twisted hip hold